Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
1. Who does Forever 21 blame for the sweatshops? Why?
Forever 21 blames their contractors because they claim that the contractors where the ones with the ability to hire people.
2. What’s wrong with Forever 21′s argument?
Forever 21's argument is wrong because they stated that they did not know what was going on and now that they found out what happened why didn't they change anything? I think its forever 21's fault as well as the contractors because they hired the contractors to hire people to make the clothing.
3. Why do the workers continue to protest even if it means they might lose their jobs?
The workers continue to protest even if it meant losing there jobs because they thought it was unfair how they were treated they worked 12 hours and got $1.25 every hour meaning they get paid 15 dollars a day that is not enough for food, clothing, rent, or educational purposes (books,pencils,folders etc.)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
made in L.A
1. How is the life of sweatshop workers in L.A. the same as those in Indonesia? How is it different?
Its different because they actually know english but they don't have there papers.
2. Why is it that poor immigrants (newcomers) end up working at sweatshops? Why don’t they work as lawyers or doctors or at Mcdonalds? The poor immigrants (newcomers) end up working at sweatshops because the sweatshops don't ask for the papers or expericence in working for jobs.
3. Predict what’s going to happen by the end of this movie.
I think at the end of this movie the forever 21 president will understand where there coming from because wouldn't you get upset if you worked 8 hours and get paid $3.50 every hour meaning by the end of that day you will be paid $25.00. Will you get upset if you were put in that situation?
Friday, October 15, 2010
henris hacking my blog lol :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
my best friend

1. How much do Nike workers make in Indonesia each day? How many hours a day do they work?
the nike workers make $1.25 and they work
2. What is life like for Indonesian Nike workers at home?
women share 1 toliet for 8 familes
3. Why won’t Nike talk to Jim or Leslie or let them visit the shoe factory?
there afraid that both jim and leslie might ruin there shoe factory
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i have these 2 personalities and its hard to control both of them. You may not like tiny because she can be a real devil but you hurt starr to the point that she doesnt believe in happiness she doesnt believe in joy. well idk if i should be starr or tiny because starr is hurt and tiny is angry ow what should i do?

Its funny how im supposed to be special to you and yet you cant even try to tell me what's wrong with you i try my best and my hardest to help you out and you just ignore me its unfair because when she comes around u could tell her so if you can only tell her than why am i here let here be your special person and than ill go i drift and leave your life as if i was never there......
Monday, October 4, 2010
part 1 behind swoosh

1. What does it mean to “make a decent living”? What should you be able to afford to buy?
if someone says make a decent living to me i would say a decent living is having food shelter clothing job and school you should be able to afford food and water and clothing
2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them?
my sneakers come from the jordan store and michael jordan makes them
3. What is a sweatshop (take a guess, even if you have no idea)?
i think a sweatshop is a shop is a factory that has people working non stop for 8 hours straight.