Tuesday, December 14, 2010


dedicated to the lost of 01|21|10 :'(

You made me feel like life was just the way it should be. You made me feel like life wasn't an option i had to either pick or leave it behind. You made me feel like there was no such thing as pain and hurt thats what i loved about you. But then you changed and we broke apart like the earth splitting in half. You said you loved me and all the time you were telling me lies. As i cried and cried you laughed and laughed, the sea grew darker as my pain wouldn't stop like the songs i write. We were forever and always but i guess we turned out to never and only 1 time. You said we weren't to young to be in love but if i knew that this endless pain would keep on going i would've said no. You said we were the lucky ones the ones with no chance of hurting no chance of crying no chance of suffering but i guess we weren't that lucky. As i write this the tears start to come down like the waves crashing on shore but i know 1 day ill live and leave u with all the pain and suffering that i had as u cry every night wishing we never happen i will laugh and laugh knowing that all we were was a fairy tale with a bad ending. But don't worry the pain will stop and you'll see we had something good
Love always,
Silent beauty

Monday, December 13, 2010

Try sleeping with a broken heart

Try sleeping with a broken heart to wake up and feel like nothing. To feel dead and to feel invisible.....
Its like you wake up for no reason...... it sucks because i used to have a reason to but now sleeping and never waking up seems like the best thing for me to do.... To be asleep that way nobody can hurt me and your love can still be inside me as if nothing ever happened. Like if we never had that fight that cause both of us to cry and split up...... Its like sleeping with a broken heart

Blood diamond part 1