Thursday, October 28, 2010

1. Who does Forever 21 blame for the sweatshops? Why?

Forever 21 blames their contractors because they claim that the contractors where the ones with the ability to hire people.

2. What’s wrong with Forever 21′s argument?

Forever 21's argument is wrong because they stated that they did not know what was going on and now that they found out what happened why didn't they change anything? I think its forever 21's fault as well as the contractors because they hired the contractors to hire people to make the clothing.

3. Why do the workers continue to protest even if it means they might lose their jobs?

The workers continue to protest even if it meant losing there jobs because they thought it was unfair how they were treated they worked 12 hours and got $1.25 every hour meaning they get paid 15 dollars a day that is not enough for food, clothing, rent, or educational purposes (books,pencils,folders etc.)

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